Posted on May 3rd, 2008

daughterchurchWe entered the new year with a candlelight Watch Night Service at Calcutta Love Presbyterian Church (Mother Church) with the message “Be a man of vision with Ezra, Nehemiah” (Ezra 7:10). 

Thank God by His grace that we were able to plant 120 churches in different corners of India and the surrounding countries. Four other churches are under construction and are ready to dedicate (Kokrajhar, Konkondighi and Jotishpur, respectively). Please pray for the dedications. We are grateful to Rev. Kim Jau. Please pray: We need to build churches at (1) Logos Presbyterian Church (Nepal), (2) Gaisal Presbyterian Church (Nepal), (3) Choto Molla Khali (Island), (4) Parul Presbyterian Church, (5) Nisshindra Presbyterian Church, (6) Kuiamuri Presbyterian Church (Island) in the near future. Pray that the Lord may provide all that is needed to accomplish this.