Posted on December 30th, 2008

CMA "MV Salt and Light"The Sunderban Islands are having a special place in our ministry. We feel it as our burden to reach the unreached, and to preach Christ where He was not known. These islands in the delta of the great Ganghes river are inhabited by people that are unreached in many aspects. Many of them are not in touch with either schooling or basic health care, and no one ever told them the Gospel. Our Boat-ministry is to extend a hand to the inhabitants of all the 54 islands. By the grace of God we we treated a total of 15625 patients this year (2008). We also had 62 cataract surgeries by the help of Dr.Park Jae Hyung of Spiritual Wave mission.

In the following movie you can see a trip with our smaller boat “MV Eternal life”. A group of Korean singers and musicians joined us in bringing the Gospel to one of the Islands, where Christ Mission Ashram had been invited to preach and teach, to the honour of the God and Father of Jesus Christ.
