Thank God for His guidance and providence to help us pass through the months of May-August with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I am happy to give you a brief report on what the Lord has done within this time. Although we are having a great financial crisis but still we “Rejoice in the Lord… He […]
Thank you for your continuous support for past 22 years. We do believe that you extend your hand to march forward. May God bless you, your family and your church. WISH YOU A HAPPY EASTER 2010 . Yours faithfully, Rev.Dr.Sukrit & Mrs.SangYee Roy And all pastors, staff & co-workers Report of Christ Mission Ashram for […]
2009년, 금년 한 해에도 하나님의 은혜가 풍성했음을 고백합니다. 그 동안 우리 선교회 산하 모든 성도들이 성경 일독을 은혜 중에 마칠 수 있었으며, 금년 1월 2일부터 다시 두 번째 성경 일독을 시작할 수 있었습니다. 모든 교회와 성도들이 매일 성경 읽는 일에 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 최근 몇 개월간 출애굽기부터 사무엘까지 읽었습니다. 우리 모두는 아브라함, 이삭, 야곱, 모세, […]
Our living Lord has been very gracious to us during the year 2009. By God’s grace we were able to finish reading the entire Bible one time and restarted it on 2nd January 2009 from Genesis chapter one. Our entire mission, all the churches and believers decided to go through the Bible together and read […]
It is my joy to give you a brief report of our mission for the past six months. Our living Lord has been very gracious to us during the months of April ~ September 2009.
By God’s grace we were able to finish reading the entire Bible one time starting on 1st January 2009 at Genesis chapter one. In our mission, all the churches and believers are supposed to read one chapter each day. Today (28th Sept) we read 2-Samuel chapter 3. During these few months we have read Exodus ~ Samuel. We found the living “God was” with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Soul & David, today the same Lord is with us (Mt. 28:20).
The year 2008 was a year when Indian Christians had to pass the fiery furnace (I Peter 4:12) in different corners of India such as Orissa, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Assam, and Uttaranchal etc. Throughout this year the living Lord has shown us His grace, mercy and protecting hands and carried us in His wings (Isa. 40:31). […]
By the grace of God from 29th June in the morning Bengali Sunday service at 8:30AM begun with 21 church attendants and also the second Bengali service as usually at 11 AM in the midst 10:00-10:45 have adult Bible study. Sunday English service is going on 2:30 P.M. in this mother Church.
Thank God by His grace that we were able to plant 120 churches in different corners of India and the surrounding countries. Four other churches are under construction and are ready to dedicate (Kokrajhar, Konkondighi and Jotishpur, respectively). Please pray for the dedications.